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when your progress feels invisible
Sourdough is a process. I can’t quite remember what day I started. All I remember is that it was a quiet, unassuming Tuesday. The leaves were yellowing on the branches, and I’d thrown open all the curtains in our home to let in as much of the dwindling fall light as possible.

7 ways to read more books
The progress is slow, but you can gradually increase your capacity and desire to read with several simple steps. Whether you want to read fiction or nonfiction, here are seven ways you can make the process easier and read more books!

from awareness to action
Or, sometimes we need to hear a message enough times before we’ll actually knuckle down and get to work.

trying to fix your life? read this.
I realized that in trying to systematize my life, I was really only trying to control it. There’s nothing wrong with systems, projects, and self-improvement projects, but when you start to view yourself as nothing more than a project or something to be fixed, you start to run into dead ends.

9 ways to combat your phone addiction
Over the years, I have started to pick up some good habits that have helped me in my quest to be present in this digital age. Because phones are such an intrinsic part of life as we know it in the 21st century, I wanted to share some of the lessons I’ve gleaned to bring hope and freedom your way too!

when fears are stilled, when strivings cease
Part 3 of 4 in a series delving into the hymn In Christ Alone.
In a culture that values the end result far more than the process, it can be hard to see the truth that the in-between matters too. We view chores, books, accomplishments, and even sometimes people as means to an end, and in doing so we miss out on the beauty of the passageways.

24 things I learned + loved this past year
In honor of completing another year of life, I thought I’d share twenty-four things I learned and loved this past year! I searched through my ‘23-’24 journals, agendas, writing, and photos to narrow down 24 things that impacted my life in one way or another. This list includes recipes, quotes, life lessons, and things I enjoyed!

20 books to read in the 2020s
Sometimes it can be tricky figuring out what is worth reading and what isn’t. I thought it would be fun to make a short compilation of some books that have helped me so that you can have a shortlist to add to your TBR pile!

now is the new later
Do you want to shift from being a spectator to being a participant in your life? Moving from thinking about doing the things to actually doing them doesn’t have to be scary! Read this for 3 tips on how you can start cultivating a life you love!

a surprising life lesson from a Monstera plant
I tried to propagate my giant Monstera plant, and it took a long time! In the process, I learned to lean into small, invisible growth. Read this when you feel stagnant and need a refresh!

7 hacks for your evening routine
Trying to get to bed at a good time can feel like a daunting task. Here are seven hacks to implement for a better evening routine and to improve the quality of your sleep!

the antidote to comparison
Comparison robs you of joy and turns life into a competition that you will never win. Here are 4 practical tips to ditch comparison in exchange for contentment and companionship.

7 easy ways to simplify your morning routine
Making mornings as easy as possible is one of my favorite ways to streamline my week. Instead of dreading waking up and the instant scurrying to get to work on time, I can take it slow and gradually ease into the day. Here are seven things that help me to simplify my mornings and enjoy them just a little bit more.

from failure to success: moving the goalposts
What would change if you could move the goalposts to turn rejection into success? Here you can find a free tracker and a new habit that will revolutionize your mindset.

my top tip for success
I’m always on the lookout for things that will streamline my schedule and produce better results. However, it was buried under my planners, highlighters, and productivity books that I discovered something surprising in my quest to succeed.

in want and plenty: 5 truths about scarcity
In human terms, there is a lot of scarcity in our day-to-day lives. We have a finite number of hours. We have limited cognition, abilities, and energy. Our finances are often less than we’d like. We aren’t where we’d like to be in our careers or relationships. However, that’s not where our story ends. Here are 5 truths about scarcity to encourage your heart when it feels like you’re walking through a dry and dusty desert.

more often than not: beyond the consistency of mushroom soup
What consistency is, what it isn’t, and three things to keep in mind to cultivate consistency in your own life!

how to redeem inactive time
Inactive time is when you are performing mindless, repetitive tasks via muscle memory, and your brain is not engaged in your activity. Here are five ways that you can redeem that inactive time to benefit from it and refresh your soul!

your 2024 guide to vision boarding
Essentially, the idea behind a vision board is that you create a collection of images and quotes that inspire you and that will motivate you to maintain your rhythms when it gets tough to stay serious about your goals. The best part? It’s a lot easier than writing down a bunch of goals and it’s super fun! Vision-boarding can help you gain self-awareness and self-reflect on what is really important to you or what visually inspires you.

the beauty of slow
8 ways for you to slow down and savour this beautifully short life. All about being present and grounded in your life.