Do you or a friend need a handwritten note of encouragement to remind you that you matter?

I've been a writer since I learned how to write. If a piece of paper and a pen were available, I would be writing. All of my mum's shopping lists, to-do lists, and important papers were sure to have something scrawled on them in my messy, childish handwriting.

I've also been a letter-writer for the greater part of my life. There's something so thrilling about receiving something in the mail, in knowing that someone was thinking about you and cared enough to write a letter and post it to you.

At the start of 2023, I embarked on a personal campaign to bring back letter writing in my life. I wanted to make sure I stayed in touch with my younger siblings when I moved away after getting married, and writing letters was perfect! Eventually that campaign expanded as I envisioned writing letters to encourage and bless people who don't regularly receive letters.

Life is hard. It can be so discouraging sometimes. We can feel so lonely, forgotten, and unimportant in our fast-paced culture that barely gives us a passing glance.

Sometimes we feel so small, like our little, ordinary lives can't possibly matter.

Enter envelopes of hope.

With envelopes of hope, all you have to do is send me your name and mailing address, and I will send you a handwritten letter of hope and encouragement.

The goal is to remind you that you matter, that you are worth taking time for, and that you are loved.

And if you know someone who needs an envelope of hope? send me their name and mailing address and I'll write to them, too!

No matter who you are or where you live, sign up today to receive an envelope of hope!

envelopes of hope

sign up here!

Fill out this quick form, and I’ll mail you a handwritten letter packed with encouragement and fun little goodies to remind you that you matter.