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This Changes Everything
faith, hope, waiting Jessie Anderson faith, hope, waiting Jessie Anderson

This Changes Everything

“After meeting with El Roi (You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees), Hagar knew that if God could be with her in the wilderness, He would be with her in having to submit to Sarai also. It’s as if Hagar said to God, “You have looked upon me, and now I can look upon You.” That face-to-face relationship with God transforms.”

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Unknown Needs, Known Saviour
faith, hope, habits Jessie Anderson faith, hope, habits Jessie Anderson

Unknown Needs, Known Saviour

Have you felt it at all lately, a subtle (or maybe not subtle at all) shift in your relationship with God? Read this for some wise words from guest writer Rebekah Branson as she discusses what to do when you don’t know what you need.

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when fears are stilled, when strivings cease
faith, in Christ alone, hope Jessie Anderson faith, in Christ alone, hope Jessie Anderson

when fears are stilled, when strivings cease

Part 3 of 4 in a series delving into the hymn In Christ Alone.

In a culture that values the end result far more than the process, it can be hard to see the truth that the in-between matters too. We view chores, books, accomplishments, and even sometimes people as means to an end, and in doing so we miss out on the beauty of the passageways.

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Fix Your Mind
faith, hope, habits Jessie Anderson faith, hope, habits Jessie Anderson

Fix Your Mind

Pastor and author, Craig Groeschel once said that “most of life’s battles are won or lost in the mind.” We either wake up and wage war or we go to sleep in the battle. Read this guest post from Kristine Amundrud on rewiring neural pathways when things feel hopeless.

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in want and plenty: 5 truths about scarcity
faith, lessons, hope Jessie Anderson faith, lessons, hope Jessie Anderson

in want and plenty: 5 truths about scarcity

In human terms, there is a lot of scarcity in our day-to-day lives. We have a finite number of hours. We have limited cognition, abilities, and energy. Our finances are often less than we’d like. We aren’t where we’d like to be in our careers or relationships. However, that’s not where our story ends. Here are 5 truths about scarcity to encourage your heart when it feels like you’re walking through a dry and dusty desert.

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the open-heartedness of God
faith, hope Jessie Anderson faith, hope Jessie Anderson

the open-heartedness of God

God is open-hearted in that He loves you, freely, richly, and without any strings attached. He doesn’t require good behavior, hard work, or extraordinary character of you. His love continues where yours may fail. He loves even when it hurts. He doesn’t stop loving you even as your choices continue to push Him away.

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longing for another world
hope, faith, waiting Jessie Anderson hope, faith, waiting Jessie Anderson

longing for another world

Take heart, friend. This isn't the end of your story. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. A new day will dawn, and God will show up with fresh mercy sufficient for each moment. He will hold your hand as you continue to trek towards home, clambering over rocky mountains and trudging through deep, muddy valleys. He will sit with you in your grief, binding up your gaping wounds with love that is too great for words. He will carry you when you feel like you just can't go on, ever closer to the Home you long for.

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the power of a comma
faith, hope Jessie Anderson faith, hope Jessie Anderson

the power of a comma

If you’ve ever felt stuck in your life, like things aren’t going anywhere and there’s no hope, read on to learn about the power of a comma in your story. This isn’t the end. Courage, dear heart.

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It is well with my soul
faith, hope Jessie Anderson faith, hope Jessie Anderson

It is well with my soul

I stumbled across Ann Voskamp's multivitamins a couple of weeks ago, which inspired me to share my own version. If you've never heard of it before, I highly recommend it. Essentially, Voskamp shares a collection of articles, photos, posts, and recipes designed to remind readers of the good gifts God has given and shift one's perspective from the earthly to the heavenly. God has provided tangible experiences of His love and faithfulness, and I wanted to share some of the things that are ministering to my soul.

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