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The Way God Gets My Attention + A Promise
Just before Enoch went to the ER, when my stress levels were peaking, Lars and I hopped out of the car after church. I glanced down. It was on one of the branches of a dying plant that I noticed it.

it is finished
Usually when someone says that something is finished, that means it’s as good as it’s going to get. But God’s finishing is a point of beginning for us. We can have a new life, new hopes, and new desires because God has completed the work we couldn’t do on our own!

here in the love of Christ I stand
Part 4 of 4 in a series delving into the hymn In Christ Alone.
Standing in the love of Christ is always about God’s goodness, not your own. God isn’t finished with you yet! Read part of my story here.

when fears are stilled, when strivings cease
Part 3 of 4 in a series delving into the hymn In Christ Alone.
In a culture that values the end result far more than the process, it can be hard to see the truth that the in-between matters too. We view chores, books, accomplishments, and even sometimes people as means to an end, and in doing so we miss out on the beauty of the passageways.