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When Prayer Became More Than Words
prayer, faith Jessie Anderson prayer, faith Jessie Anderson

When Prayer Became More Than Words

I never doubted my faith, but what I did doubt was myself—whether I was good enough or whether I was doing enough to earn God's love. I treated my relationship with God like a checklist for many years. Read this guest post from writer Krista Krahn.

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A Little Change That Makes a BIG Difference
faith, personal development, health + wellness Jessie Anderson faith, personal development, health + wellness Jessie Anderson

A Little Change That Makes a BIG Difference

So often in life we’re focused on the big picture, the huge goals that will revolutionize our lives and change our circumstances, when in reality, it’s the tiniest things that are the most helpful. Not only are small adjustments more sustainable, they are easier, gentler, and all in all, more likely to get done.

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it is finished
faith, in Christ alone Jessie Anderson faith, in Christ alone Jessie Anderson

it is finished

Usually when someone says that something is finished, that means it’s as good as it’s going to get. But God’s finishing is a point of beginning for us. We can have a new life, new hopes, and new desires because God has completed the work we couldn’t do on our own!

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when your progress feels invisible
faith, waiting Jessie Anderson faith, waiting Jessie Anderson

when your progress feels invisible

Sourdough is a process. I can’t quite remember what day I started. All I remember is that it was a quiet, unassuming Tuesday. The leaves were yellowing on the branches, and I’d thrown open all the curtains in our home to let in as much of the dwindling fall light as possible.

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This Changes Everything
faith, hope, waiting Jessie Anderson faith, hope, waiting Jessie Anderson

This Changes Everything

“After meeting with El Roi (You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees), Hagar knew that if God could be with her in the wilderness, He would be with her in having to submit to Sarai also. It’s as if Hagar said to God, “You have looked upon me, and now I can look upon You.” That face-to-face relationship with God transforms.”

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my favourite construction sign
faith, life Jessie Anderson faith, life Jessie Anderson

my favourite construction sign

For the past three years in a row I’ve had to take detours to work during the summer, as the routes I habitually used were taken over by construction. And while I generally don’t love the signs that announce construction, there is one sign that has become somewhat of a dear friend, a good reminder.

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Unknown Needs, Known Saviour
faith, hope, habits Jessie Anderson faith, hope, habits Jessie Anderson

Unknown Needs, Known Saviour

Have you felt it at all lately, a subtle (or maybe not subtle at all) shift in your relationship with God? Read this for some wise words from guest writer Rebekah Branson as she discusses what to do when you don’t know what you need.

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when fears are stilled, when strivings cease
faith, in Christ alone, hope Jessie Anderson faith, in Christ alone, hope Jessie Anderson

when fears are stilled, when strivings cease

Part 3 of 4 in a series delving into the hymn In Christ Alone.

In a culture that values the end result far more than the process, it can be hard to see the truth that the in-between matters too. We view chores, books, accomplishments, and even sometimes people as means to an end, and in doing so we miss out on the beauty of the passageways.

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for the one who feels too tired to go on
faith, waiting, life Jessie Anderson faith, waiting, life Jessie Anderson

for the one who feels too tired to go on

If you’re struggling to carry too many heavy things today, friend, you’re not alone. I’m right there with you in the thick of it. But I’m also clinging to the truth that there is joy to come. Read this for a dose of light to grapple against the darkness you feel.

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Fix Your Mind
faith, hope, habits Jessie Anderson faith, hope, habits Jessie Anderson

Fix Your Mind

Pastor and author, Craig Groeschel once said that “most of life’s battles are won or lost in the mind.” We either wake up and wage war or we go to sleep in the battle. Read this guest post from Kristine Amundrud on rewiring neural pathways when things feel hopeless.

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when contentment feels too hard
faith, waiting Jessie Anderson faith, waiting Jessie Anderson

when contentment feels too hard

In a world where you are constantly bombarded with the message that you need to do more, be more, or have more to be happy, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. When those voices get loud and contentment feels a million miles away, read this for a refresh.

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