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something bizarre I’ve noticed about comparison
Comparison is sneaky because it centers the focus squarely on me, myself, and I. It causes us to become dissatisfied with things that were once what we wanted most in all the world. Comparison tricks us into believing that we need more to be happy.

trying to fix your life? read this.
I realized that in trying to systematize my life, I was really only trying to control it. There’s nothing wrong with systems, projects, and self-improvement projects, but when you start to view yourself as nothing more than a project or something to be fixed, you start to run into dead ends.

when fears are stilled, when strivings cease
Part 3 of 4 in a series delving into the hymn In Christ Alone.
In a culture that values the end result far more than the process, it can be hard to see the truth that the in-between matters too. We view chores, books, accomplishments, and even sometimes people as means to an end, and in doing so we miss out on the beauty of the passageways.

On Wednesday Night Rhythms, Red Lights + Reframing
Are there any obstacles in your life that could actually be little gifts if you slowed down to look at them properly? My Wednesday night tradition with my sister has taught me about viewing hindrances in a new light and the value of companionship.

when contentment feels too hard
In a world where you are constantly bombarded with the message that you need to do more, be more, or have more to be happy, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. When those voices get loud and contentment feels a million miles away, read this for a refresh.