a mini autumn hit list

Autumn is by far my favorite season. I love the crisp, cooler days that necessitate thick sweaters. I love the turning of the leaves and romping about in the wooded trails near our home gasping at the yellows and oranges. I love baking bread and making pumpkin recipes. I love drinking tea again, to warm myself after a brisk walk. Everything feels cozier, closer, and more magical in the fall.

Of course, I have a fat Pinterest board devoted to saving all of the autumn ideas that inspire me. That being said, there are too many things on there to do them all. In an effort to prioritize a few so I at least do some things, I am bringing to you a short-and-sweet autumn bucket list!

001. Make a batch of soup

Soup is the unrivaled food of Autumn. It’s warm and comforting, and holding a bowl of soup in your hands feels like a quintessential fall activity. I have a few delightful-looking soup recipes I’m hoping to try this fall, but at the very least, I want to make this recipe!
I mean, c’mon! It’s got roasted tomatoes, garlic, and thyme, and paired with a crispy slice of sourdough!? What more could you ask for? If you do make soup, make a bit extra and invite someone over to share a bowl and celebrate the turning of the season!

This week, Lars and I made a delicious Greek-inspired soup recipe and it really got me in the mood for more evening soup experiences!

002. Go on a fall hike

I haven’t done many autumn hikes, but the few I have done are among my favorites. My siblings and I usually end up camping the last week of September when the leaves are in their full glory, and often pair this camping trip with a hike. Head somewhere with lots of larches, aspens, or other deciduous trees for a brilliant landscape of golds, yellows, and greens. Make sure you pack an extra sweater and a thermos of spiced tea to enjoy when you stop for lunch!

003. Paint fallen leaves

Put the abundance of falling leaves to good use and practice your artistic skills.

You could paint a variety of patterns or landscapes, but these cute ghost leaves are fall-esque without being too spooky! Get together with some friends, gather your leaves of choice, and start painting! You could even make a garland with your painted leaves…

004. Curate a fall outfit

Think thick, chunky knits, tartan skirts, burnt orange t-shirts, and warm socks. Curating the perfect fall outfit can be a lot of fun, and you likely don’t need to buy anything new. If you want to buy a new outfit, head to a local thrift store to hunt with a friend. You might be surprised with what you can find!

005. Re-read an old favourite series

I usually re-read the LotR trilogy over the Christmas break, but the past few years I haven’t gotten through it in that short time span. This year, I think I’ll tackle the classic over the fall season to give myself ample time to finish. Another favorite is Sheldon Vanauken’s A Severe Mercy. I’ll be adding that to my fall TBR list as well!

What are you re-reading this fall?

006. Enjoy a candlelit evening

Candles remind me of fall—the golden glow, the warmth, and often the scent. Burn a few of the candles you have on hand one fall evening to create a cozy atmosphere. If you don’t have any candles at home, you can get cheap ones from the dollar store that will still give that glowy ambiance you’re trying to achieve.

007. Bake a galette or seasonal vegetable dish

I’ve never made a galette before, but look how cute they are! They seem so fresh and fall-like with the seasonal, just-ripened tomatoes. I can’t wait to raid my dad’s greenhouse for some homegrown tomatoes to make a galette recipe!

008. Catch a September sunset

I don’t know what it is about September skies, but they are among the most gorgeous I’ve ever witnessed in my short life. Make it a priority this autumn to catch a September sunset or sunrise—it’s actually a lot easier than in the summer months because the sun sets earlier and rises later! Take a picnic dinner and a blanket and watch the sky change colors as it descends westward. One of my goals is to capture a sunset on my Polaroid, so we’ll see how that goes!

009. Spend an afternoon at a used-book store

I snapped the photo on the left on a chilly day in October. Lars and I were in Calgary for an orchestra performance and had gone in early to check out some used-book stores in the area. As we walked along the sidewalk, the weather turned ugly, with grey, billowing clouds dumping buckets of rain. We took shelter in The Next Page, and while the raindrops pelted the windowpanes, we perused their book collection.

Bookstores feel so cozy, and to me, that’s what autumn is all about! Spend an afternoon
browsing titles, reading chapters, and enjoying an agenda-less moment.

010. Make homemade apple cider

I love apple cider. I used to work at a bakery that crafted apple cider concentrates that taste exactly the way fall should, and to me, cider is now the exemplary taste of fall.

Lars and I have an apple tree in our front yard that produces bitter apples that aren’t good for much—except cider! If you don’t have access to fresh apples, store-bought ones work just as well. Cut your apples into slices, add spices to a pot, cover with water, and allow to simmer for most of the afternoon. Not only will it make your house smell A-MAZ-ING but you will also have cider for your evening. Last year I canned what we didn’t drink for more cider when the weather got cooler.

011. Memorize a Psalm

I think memorizing a passage of scripture always emerges on my seasonal hit lists. I love the Psalms, and they are short enough that it’s not too daunting to memorize a whole chapter. One of my goals this year was to memorize 100 verses, and let me tell you that is not going well. I’ve memorized eight so far. To get back on track (some is better than none!), I’m going to memorize a Psalm this fall and would love to have you join me!

012. Write someone a love letter

There’s nothing quite like opening your mailbox to see a handwritten letter inside. Or finding one tucked in your lunch bag. Or seeing one on your pillow. Wherever you put it, writing someone a love letter is fun and encouraging for the recipient. I am hoping to get back on track with writing letters in a new season, as it fell by the wayside in the summer months. I have a stack of 12 letters I want to respond to, and I am quite looking forward to it.

P.S. If you want some good, cheap stationary, hit up a garage sale! I’ve found some lovely cards that I’m so excited to use and that didn’t cost much!

013. Paint or carve a pumpkin

I love this idea for a painted pumpkin. Of course, there are so many other patterns you could do or try, so why not host a pumpkin or fall-themed evening and invite your friends to express their creativity?! Serve up some pumpkin bread and cider, lay out the newspaper, and start painting!

014. Add jack-o’lantern faces wherever possible

Grilled cheese? Cut a wide grin on the bread. Stuffed bell peppers? Free real estate for the newest Jack. Pumpkin? A classic, especially if you put a candle inside. The options are endless for what you can add a jack-o’lantern face to! Spice up your autumn meals with this easy hack.

I’m imagining a chicken pot pie…

015. Bake a batch of cookies

I entirely forego baking in the summer months because it’s just too hot. But in the fall, we try to avoid turning on our heat as long as possible for Lars’ sake, so one of the best ways to warm up is by turning on the oven. I’m looking forward to baking a lot this Autumn.

Try making some fall spiced cookies or a buttery shortbread or head to Pinterest to find a recipe you’ve never tried! I recently spied a recipe for Ube Crinkle Cookies and am super excited to try it.

016. Go out for a latte with a friend

Lattes are warm, creamy, and perfect for warming up cold hands on a chilly fall day! Go for a walk with a dear pal and stop for some tea or coffee lattes. The nice thing about Autumn is that it’s nearly always good weather for a hot drink!

017. Make a fall charcuterie board

One thing I’m really looking forward to is making a fall charcuterie board. I saw this recipe for a baked brie pumpkin and decided that I would try adding it to my own fall charcuterie. You can add so many things to make it seasonal and fall-colored. I’m thinking pickled carrots, candy corn, Mexican street corn dip, persimmons, and other seeded crackers, cheeses, meats, and fruits.

I hope this mini hit list has inspired you to make your own autumn list! Let me know what you’re adding to your list in the comments below :)


what happens when you hate your word for the year?

