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But First, Rootedness: Abiding in Christ Before Striving for Fruitfulness
Fruitfulness always springs from rootedness. You don’t have to dredge up good works in your own strength. Three tips for abiding in Christ instead of striving.
you can’t earn what is freely given
On personal failings, unconditional love, and God’s grace.

the open-heartedness of God
God is open-hearted in that He loves you, freely, richly, and without any strings attached. He doesn’t require good behavior, hard work, or extraordinary character of you. His love continues where yours may fail. He loves even when it hurts. He doesn’t stop loving you even as your choices continue to push Him away.

a dose of grace
God doesn’t view you as a mistake or a failure. Your past does not disqualify you from grace. He sees you as His beloved!

He is risen!
"...I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said." - Matthew 28:5-6