sunday reset

I'm all about those little habits that help make life easier. Ever since I was little, I've been a sucker for life hacks, whether it's an easy meal, how to fold fitted sheets, or keeping a notebook with me so I can quickly jot down ideas or inspiration.

I'm also all about having a clean and tidy space. There are psychological benefits to being in an orderly environment (such as reduced anxiety, mood enhancement, and better focus). I love that!

While there is research that suggests a messy space helps you to think more creatively, the benefits of slowing down and relaxing in a tidy space are what I've really been digging into in my own life. And man, does slowing down ever change things for me! In my 127 cents post, I delve into things that have been game-changers for me. Slowing down is one of them.

Another one of those things that helps me to feel present and at my best in my life is the Sunday Reset.

I am honestly so stoked to share with you guys about the Sunday Reset. Lars and I only really started implementing it after we got married, but it has quickly become one of my favourite parts of the entire week. It helps me to feel more settled and ready to take on the week, and it's also a great time of connection for both of us.

Essentially, it involves preparing your home for the week to come, and performing little strategies that will revolutionize your week, or at least make it easier for you! So let's dive right into how we make our Sunday Reset happen.

I can't really recall why we started doing the Sunday Reset, but I can recall the joy and camaraderie Lars and I shared while tidying and preparing for the week together. It has been a great point of connection and helps us get on the same page for the upcoming week. And the best part? It's really quite simple.

Now, throughout the week we do aim to keep things nice, tidy, and maintained, but the Sunday Reset is a little extra oomph at the start of a new week. We want to start the week off strong, and the Sunday Reset definitely helps us do just that.

Here is our regular checklist:

1. Put away odds and ends in each room

Throughout the busyness of the week, things often get left lying around and simply need to be returned to their homes. We'll go through each room and pick up stray books, clothing, pens, and other paraphernalia, to return to their respective location. It's quite simple and also relatively quick.

Our kitchen table is a location that is quick to accumulate all manner of items. The Sunday Reset helps us to keep the table clutter to a minimum, and it also helps us to find things throughout the week because they are generally where they're supposed to be instead of in some random location.

2. Water the plants

I love plants. Generally, I wouldn't say I'm very good at keeping them alive. My sisters like to give clippings of their plants as gifts, and last Christmas they gave me a type of plant that "no one who'd received it had ever killed." They have had to change their advertising for that particular plant, thanks to yours truly.

Anyway, due to the Sunday Reset, my plants are actually thriving because I water them at least once a week!

3. Wash any and all dishes

Soap. Suds. Dishwasher. The whole bit. I feel like this point is fairly self-explanatory, so I'll leave it at that.

4. Meal Plan

I'm going to write a post about how we meal plan (it really is too easy and doesn't need a whole post, but it's fun to write posts), but suffice it to say that every Sunday Reset we sit down at the kitchen table together and map out what our week is going to look like. We talk about appointments, work, and extracurriculars and plan our meals accordingly.

We also try to look at what we have in the fridge and freezer and use those ingredients as a basis for the menu for the week. The reason I love this element of the Sunday Reset so much is that it basically makes our grocery list for us! It's that easy.

5. Grocery shop

We also go grocery shopping for what we'll need throughout the week with our shopping list created from our meal-planning brainstorm. That way, we don't have to run to the store to pick up ingredients constantly (for the most part, anyway).

6. Laundry

Yes, the never-ending chore is part of the Sunday Reset. We usually end up doing 2 or 3 loads of laundry every Sunday, and I honestly don't even know how we accumulate that much laundry in a household of two.

The two staple loads of laundry are towels and clothing. We change out our towels weekly, in both the kitchen and bathroom, which keeps things nice and fresh.

7. Sweep and mop

To be perfectly frank with you, mopping doesn't happen every week. But we do sweep every week, so that makes it a little better, right? Our floors are a lovely dark gray, which is great for hiding the week's buildup, but once swept, the true squalor is revealed.* So sweeping is definitely a must.

*reminder for all who actually visit our home: we do sweep, do the dishes, and maintain the house throughout the week. It's not completely disgusting by the time Sunday rolls around. The Sunday Reset is just a general tidy on top of the day-to-day chores of house maintenance.

8. Hashbrown Casserole

Nearly every Sunday, Lars or I will make a hashbrown casserole. We use this throughout the work week for quick and easy breakfasts on the go. It's such a timesaver to not have to make something fresh every morning, especially since we both have to be at work by 7:30 am.

9. Take out the trash and the recycling

I've never lived in town prior to now, but it's really nice to have the garbage/recycling service every week and to start the week off with fresh, empty garbage bags and recycling bins.

10. Listen to a podcast or audiobook during the Sunday Reset

This is another of my favourite elements of the Sunday Reset! We're doing mostly mindless tasks anyway, so what better way to redeem that time than by learning something new and cool together?

Recently we've been listening to Emotionally Healthy Discipleship for our small group, but we also love the Bible Project and Streetlights audio Bible.

11. Unwind

Generally, after all of the chores are completed, Lars and I will spend some time unwinding together. We make tuna melts and popcorn (a fun Sunday night tradition I picked up from the family I nannied for in Cameroon) and either play a game together, have a reading date, journal, or hang out and talk. It's a good way to decompress before the week.

We also try to get to bed early so we get at least 8 hours of sleep and can begin our week on the right foot!

Here are a few bonus tips from our Sunday Reset experience:

  • Teamwork makes the Sunday Reset so much more enjoyable. Something I love about the Sunday Reset is that we both can do all of the tasks, so we can - and do -switch up which jobs we each tackle. One week, Lars might do the laundry and make the hashbrown casserole, and the next week I might be the one to do it. It keeps the team in the work (haha).

  • It gets easier with time. Our first Sunday Resets took a loooong time. We're much more efficient now. And we actually listen to podcasts too, which makes it even better.

  • If it can't happen on a Sunday, that's okay. We have had to do the Sunday Reset on a Monday night or a Saturday afternoon. The point is not when you do it, it's doing it at all. Although there is something to be said for having consistency in your schedule. It makes it a lot easier!

  • The Sunday Reset is not a one-size-fits-all approach. You will probably have to tweak it to suit your individual lifestyle and needs. Take what works and toss out the rest!

♪ - listen to Vienna by Gretta Ray.


the beauty of slow


the power of a comma