matcha ice cream recipe

This simple ice cream recipe balances the creamy delightfulness of the frozen treat you know and love with the earthy flavor of matcha. Use a flavored matcha powder to change up the taste of this ice cream, or stick with a classic matcha for a creamy yet light dessert.

Matcha Ice Cream

Makes 1.5 quarts (6 cups) | Preparation Time: 25 minutes | Freezing Time: up to 24 hours


  • 3 cups milk

  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream

  • 1/3 cup matcha powder (I used strawberry matcha powder from T. Kettle)

  • 1/4 cup sugar


  1. Whisk matcha powder, sugar, and 1/3 cup of milk together vigorously to form a paste. This step will help eliminate any clumps of matcha.

    1/3 cup matcha powder, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/3 cup milk.

  2. Spatula matcha pasta into a blender along with the remaining milk and heavy whipping cream. Blend until thoroughly combined.

    Matcha paste, 2 2/3 cup milk, 1 cup heavy whipping cream.

  3. Pour the liquid mixture into an ice cream maker and allow to process until creamy and ice cream-esque.

    If you don’t have an ice cream maker you could pour the liquid into a baking dish and stir it at 30-minute intervals until the desired consistency is achieved, or, you could fill a Ziploc bag with ice and salt, pour the liquid mixture into a second Ziploc, and place the ice cream bag into the ice bag. Agitate the bag gently and allow the ice cream to set.

  4. You can eat the ice cream straight out of the ice cream maker, but if you prefer a firmer ice cream consistency, you’ll want to freeze it for at least 2 hours. Enjoy this delightful summer treat!


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