when you need a reminder to keep showing up

An open letter to myself and anyone else who needs it.

Dear friend,

It’s not that your efforts don’t matter—they do, more than you know.

It’s not that your determination isn’t strong enough—you are stubborn, resilient, and hardworking. I know you won’t give up.

It’s not that you’re chasing unattainable goals—you have big dreams, but you have also been given the talents you need to achieve incredibly big things.

It’s not that you’re destined to have the empty life you so fear—there is so much more in store for you!

It’s not that you’re not trying hard enough—you have all that you need, here, in this very moment.

It’s not that you’re inferior to those living out what you’ve only dreamed of—you’re not disqualified because someone else got there ahead of you.

But here’s the deal: you’ve been working so hard, trying with all your might to accomplish lofty, aspirational goals. You’ve been burning the midnight oil, burning the candle from both ends, burning everything in sight with your fiery passion! And yet, you’re beginning to realize that no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you do, you’ll always be “behind.”

And that’s okay.

You hold onto this idea that if you could just do a little better, garner a few more followers, read the right books, and develop yourself into a picture-perfect person, with juuuuuust the right amount of ambition, compassion, and success that you’ll suddenly matter.

But that’s just not true.

The small good you’re doing with consistency and faithfulness? That is enough. Showing up every day, even when you don’t feel like it? That is enough. Those tiny wins that feel like pushing a train up a hill? That is enough. It all matters. Showing up is all you can bring, and by George, you better bring it! None of this is a means to an end. This passageway that you find yourself in right now is your real life and it is a beautiful thing. You are a beautiful thing to behold.

You can’t control the outcomes. You were never asked to. But you can keep showing up. We need you to keep showing up.

Keep being the invitation, even when you feel like you are turned down left, right, and center.

Keep seeking God, even when the pursuit doesn’t feel exciting or good.

Keep praying for your friend, even when they’ve made it clear your relationship is through.

Keep a soft heart towards others, even when it’s easier to grow hard and bitter.

Keep blessing those around you, even as you grow weary and wish someone would just take care of you.

Keep writing, even when you feel your words don’t have an audience.

Keep creating the things that make your soul come alive, even if no one takes notice.

Keep showing up. You’re not gonna control the outcome. It likely looks nothing like what you’ve envisioned. But none of that matters. What matters is that you keep showing up, day after day, through sunshine, rain, and the occasional tornado. What matters is that you are faithful in the little things. What matters is that, at the end of your life, you can look back and hear God proclaim, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

You may never see the fruit of your labor. You likely won’t get the credit you feel you’re due. You probably won’t see your impact on someone’s life. But don’t let that stop you! Most people are struggling to get through the day and they don’t really think of sharing how your words, your kindness, or your efforts have blessed them—but it doesn’t mean that your efforts are in vain either. Show up, even when you don’t see the results you want. And keep showing up, even if you never see the results you want.

Because it’s not about the results, it’s about refining your character.

Because it’s not about being recognized, it’s about being a recognizer of others.

Because it’s not about proving your worth or value, it’s about knowing innately that your efforts matter—your little ordinary life already matters to God.

Because you showing up matters more than you’ll ever know.


Unknown Needs, Known Saviour


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