summer bucket list

As a longtime lover of lists, making seasonal “hit lists” is a favorite pastime of mine. I love the changing seasons and how different the activities are with each. I love setting goals for each quarter of the year. Moreover, with summer just around the corner, what better time than to create a summer bucket list?!

I pull much of my inspiration from Pinterest, so along with 100 things to do this summer, you’ll see a few photos interspersed throughout. These are collected directly from my summer Pinterest board and will hopefully spark your own creativity as you curate your own list of goals and aspirations for this summer! Let’s dive in!

1) Head to a local farmer’s market

2) Reading on the deck with a friend

3) Bike somewhere for a rural picnic

4) Weekend camping trip

5) Lake day

6) Make lilac syrup

7) Curate a Care Package for a friend

8) Watch a movie on the deck with cushions, fairy lights, and popcorn

9) Worship night with friends and family

10) Try three new dinner recipes

11) Grow a cut flower garden

12) Go for a walk with a friend you don’t know very well

13) Hiking in the mountains

14) Make a batch of homemade ice cream

15) Listening to an audio Bible while stargazing

16) Make floral ice cubes

17) Go to a U-Pick

18) Find a new read at a thrift store

19) Paint the view while watching the sunset

20) Sushi date at your favorite sushi place

21) Bake something with flowers in it

22) Crochet something floral or summery

23) Yard games with friends

24) Campfire dinner + dessert

25) Charcuterie night

26) Water balloon fight

27) Leave a message in a bottle for someone to find

28) Read poetry on a blanket on the grass

29) Write a list of 100 things you’re grateful for

30) Make rock art at the beach

31) Face masks + at-home manicures

32) Find or make a piece of summery jewelry

33) Visit a botanical garden

34) Go for a river float or evening kayak

35) Bake something with poppyseeds

36) Sidewalk chalk

37) Read a book with summery vibes to it

38) Send a handwritten letter—or twelve!

39) Read through a book of the Bible in one sitting

40) Lay outside on a blanket and watch the clouds go by

41) Press flowers

42) Visit your local library

43) Host a potluck

44) Go out for ice cream

45) Bless someone in an unconventional way

46) Hang some patio lights

47) DIY a fire bowl for summer evenings

48) Go to an art gallery or museum

49) Make some delicious taquitos for sharing

50) Paint glassware with something fruity or floral

51) Share a bouquet with a friend

52) Bake a pie with fresh fruit

53) Wash your windows

54) Make a summer mocktail

55) Go swimming somewhere outdoors

56) Have a slow morning with brunch

57) Spend a day with your phone completely turned off

58) Visit one place you’ve never been before, near or far

59) Write something—either poetry, a short story, or an essay—and share it with a friend

60) DIY some paper with pressed flowers

61) Do something fun and aesthetic and don’t take any pictures—write about it in a journal instead

62) Have a bath with rose petals and tea

63) Go hunting with a friend for a summer outfit you absolutely love

64) Organize a surprise picnic date for someone

65) Drink iced matcha or iced coffee

66) Grill peaches and serve them with ice cream

67) Attend a sports game where one of your friends is playing

68) Make cheesecakes in a jar for a picnic

69) Climb a tree just because

70) Sit on the bank of a river or the edge of a dock and dip your feet in the water

71) Make a summer playlist

72) Go to sleep with your window open

73) Stop at a garage sale or lemonade stand

74) Host an ice cream social

75) Have a dance party in your backyard

76) Go to a drive-in movie

77) Grow a little herb garden

78) Walk barefoot in the grass

79) Create your own summer “hit list”

80) Make stickers with pressed flowers

81) Hang your clothes to dry in the sun

82) Make a mosaic salad

83) Wear a sundress you love

84) Write out a passage of scripture and hang it in your bathroom so you’ll see it often

85) Burn a summer-scented candle

86) Play your favorite board or card game outside

87) Write a song or poem about the goodness of God

88) Go for a walk and take note of everything you sense—taste, sight, touch, sound, and smell

89) Paint your toenails a fun color for when you wear sandals

90) Dance in the rain

91) Make a fruity smoothie for breakfast

92) Babysit so a couple can go out on a date together

93) Book a photoshoot—bonus points if it’s with Emily

94) BBQ night

95) Volunteer at a local camp or in your community

96) Print your summer photos and preserve them in a photo album

97) Complete one project you’ve been avoiding for too long

98) Propagate a plant

99) Go on a weekend road trip without an itinerary

100) Try a new pasta recipe

What are some things you’re looking forward to this summer? What are some of the items on your “hit list?”


24 things I learned + loved this past year


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