Mini No-Bake Cheesecake Bites

I work at a bakery, and they have these cute mini pastries, so I made it my mission to create a recipe utilizing them. I am a big fan of cheesecake, so I decided to fill these pastries with a no-bake cheesecake filling, and they were a huge hit with my family! Along with several of my sisters, I spent a Sunday afternoon cranking out nearly 100 of these beauties, and by the next day, they had disappeared! I always count that as a win (except for when the food I was saving for later mysteriously vanishes).

If you don't have access to tiny pastries, they're super easy to make. You can make a batch of your favourite pastry, roll it thinly, and use a cookie cutter to cut out shapes. Then, press the pastry into a mini silicone muffin tray and bake until lightly golden brown. Making crusts with the traditional graham crackers would also be a delightful option.

Mini No-Bake Cheesecake Bites

Makes: approximately 100 | Preparation Time: 20 minutes | Decorating: 20-120 minutes

Cheesecake Filling Ingredients:

- 1 cup whipping cream, whipped

- 1.5 blocks cream cheese (12 ounces)

- 1/2 cup sugar

- 1/4 cup sour cream

- 1 tsp vanilla

- 2 Tbsp icing sugar

Butterscotch or Chocolate Filling:

- 1/2 cup butterscotch or chocolate chips

- 1 Tbsp cream

Raspberry Filling:

- 3/4 cup frozen raspberries

- 1 tsp sugar

Lime Filling:

- 1-2 tsp lime zest

- 1.5 tsp lime juice

Other Ingredients:

- Mint leaves, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, coffee beans, graham crumbs, cocoa powder, chocolate or butterscotch chips, and small edible flowers for garnishing (basically any fruit, herb, or decorative substance would look super cute)


1. Whip the whipped cream into stiff peaks. Then blend in a blender (or with a hand mixer) with the cream cheese, sugar, sour cream, vanilla, and icing sugar. This will be your basic vanilla cheesecake filling, which you can leave as is, or add flavourings and colourings.

2. For the butterscotch or chocolate chip filling: heat the cream in a small saucepan. Once warm, add the chips of your choice, and melt until smooth. Combine with about 3/4 cup of the cheesecake filling.

3. For the raspberry filling: melt the raspberries and sugar in a small saucepan. Once it has become a pulpy mess, strain out the seeds, and mix the juice mixture with about 3/4 cup of the cheesecake filling.

4. For the lime filling: zest and juice a lime, and combine with approximately 3/4 cup of the cheesecake filling.

5. Scoop the fillings gently into your shells, smoothing out the tops.

6. Decorate! You can cut fruit or berries, chop up chocolate chips, and make all sorts of cool designs. This was definitely the best part of the whole experience.

7. If you're storing these, put them in the fridge. I'm guessing there won't be much left over to refrigerate if your family is anything like mine! Enjoy!

If you liked this recipe, you might want to check out another cheesecake recipe I'm obsessed with: Easy No-Bake Jar Cheesecakes.


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