Matcha Chia Seed Pudding Recipe
We are big fans of meal prepping breakfasts in our household, and we just recently added a new recipe to our repertoire! This matcha chia seed pudding comes together in minutes and can last in your fridge all week—a big win.
The matcha flavor boosts your energy and mood first thing, and the chia contains protein that will fuel you throughout your morning. Topped with berries and nuts, this pudding is a delicious and easy way to start your day!
Matcha Chia Seed Pudding
Makes 2 jars’ worth | Preparation Time: 10 minutes | Refrigeration Time: 1-24 hours
1 cup milk (I tried one recipe with coconut milk and one with oat milk, but I'm sure you could use any kind)
¼ cup chia seeds
1 tbsp. honey
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp matcha powder (you could substitute cocoa powder, Earl Grey tea, or chai tea for a new flavor)
½ tsp salt
sliced almonds or pine nuts
blueberries or raspberries
mason jars to pour the pudding into
Whisk the matcha into 2 tbsp worth of milk like your life depends on it. You’ll want to make sure all clumps are gone before proceeding to the next step. In lieu of matcha, you could try cocoa powder, chai or earl grey tea, or any other flavor, too! These flavors wouldn’t be as finicky for blending, either.
2 tbsp milk, 1 tsp matcha powder (or other flavoring agent like cocoa powder, Earl Grey, or chai tea).
Blend in the rest of the ingredients, adding the chia seeds last until well combined. Pour into a jar and refrigerate for at least 1 hour (I like to make them overnight, and you can batch prep for the entire week, they last well in the fridge for five-six days).
Matcha paste, remaining milk (from 1 cup), 1 tbsp honey, 1 tsp vanilla, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 cup chia seeds.
Top with nuts and berries just before serving. The texture is a bit strange, so I highly recommend adding crunchy garnish to offset the chia texture. Enjoy!
Handful of pine nuts or sliced almonds, handful of raspberries or blueberries.