9 activities for a more meaningful Easter

Easter is one of my all-time favorite holidays. I love Jesus, the symbolism of spring, and gathering together with family to remember what God has done for us. I even love the lead-up to Easter, the sorrow of Lent - the sorrow and self-denial in the form of fasting - that prepares my heart for the resurrection of my Saviour!

Spring is coming, friend! Although we just received a massive dump of snow here in Alberta, spring is still coming. The other day, I paused halfway up my front steps as I noticed something: new life. The tulips I planted last year stubbornly push fresh greenery through the rocky, icy ground, readying to bloom.

If this is you, too, that’s okay. You’ve been pushing through the hard stuff, fighting, hoping against hope. I’m here to remind you that spring is almost here. The tulips are almost in bloom. The snow will be gone soon. There is hope. Already, the days are longer, the light lasts later into the evening, and the temperature is rising. Spring is almost here!

To get into the Easter spirit, here are 9 things you can do to cultivate a more meaningful Easter that will bless you, bless others, and draw you closer to your Saviour. Plus a few ideas just for fun because Easter is great and we should celebrate!

1. Bake a batch of cookies with mini eggs!

Fresh, fun, and absolutely delicious! I originally got this idea because (in)courage posted an Easter Egg Blondie recipe, and it looked so good! I wanted to bake a batch of cookies for Lars, so I combined cookies with Easter Eggs, and the rest is history! You can find the recipe I used here!

2. Take a long Spring walk

Hit up your local trails or just walk the streets with a friend. Take in all the sights, sounds, and smells of spring as you travel! Bonus points if you pack a picnic lunch or take a tea along for the journey.

3. Make a pot of tea to share with a friend

Speaking of tea, make some plans to meet up with a dear friend. Maybe someone you haven’t seen in a while or someone you just can’t get enough of! Make a pot of tea and sit on the deck to drink it over cookies and conversation or meet up at a tea shop to catch up.

4. Buy two bouquets of tulips

I love tulips. They are definitely one of my favorite flowers. I love that little pop of color so early in the spring, I love collecting bunches of them from my garden to brighten the house, and I also love how inexpensive they are at the grocery store.

You can get a bouquet of five tulips for $5 at most grocery stores, which is honestly pretty good for fresh flowers. This way, you can have a fresh bouquet in your home and bless a friend or a stranger with their own bouquet of tulips for only $10!

5. Memorize a scripture passage

For Lent this year, I am fasting sugar. But I also set a goal to memorize a few verses from Isaiah 53. I have noticed myself slowly drifting away from good habits and heading back into the routine of distraction via my phone, and memorizing scripture really helps me to get back on track.

6. Write an encouraging letter for someone

I will forever and always encourage people to write letters! Receiving mail is so special and delightful, and lets people know that they matter. Why not write an encouraging letter to someone and remind them how much you love, value, and appreciate them?

7. Host an Easter brunch

Brunch is my favorite meal of all time! Having a slow morning and relaxing over a long, leisurely meal together is a lovely way to begin the day. So why not host an Easter brunch this year? Invite friends, neighbors, or family, and share a meal to commemorate Easter.

8. Hot cross buns

If you need a quick and easy brunch idea for brunch this Easter, why not buy some hot cross buns? Of course, you can certainly make your own if you have that kind of motivation (I applaud you), but in the busyness of the holiday season if buying hot cross buns is what works best, do that!

Hot cross buns have cool story behind them, too, so while you’re enjoying them, research the meaning behind them!

9. Invite someone to church

I originally issued this challenge to our youth kids, but now I’m extending it to you!

You have the good news about the God who loved you enough to send His Son to rescue you from your sin. You have the good news about how He died on the cross in your place and rose again from the dead to defeat sin once and for all. You have the good news about how Jesus offers an abundant, joy-filled life. How can you hoard that for yourself!? It’s too good not to share! This Easter season, invite a friend, neighbor, or coworker to attend church with you!


golden milk recipe


butterscotch + easter egg cookies recipe