Glowing Snow

If you're like me, you enjoy experimenting with new things. Especially with younger siblings. There's truly nothing better than activities with kids because they embrace experimentation wholeheartedly and they jump in without worrying about logistics - in true épanouie fashion! Over the Christmas break, I had a long list of activities I desired to try with my siblings, and glowing snow was one of the top things on that list. Glowing snow is not only extremely easy, but it's also cheap and magical. My younger siblings were spellbound by the effect of the glowsticks on the snow and enjoyed being a part of something that seemed straight out of a fairytale.

What you'll need:

• large glowsticks

• spray bottles

• a sharp knife

• a dark, snowy area


  1. Crack the glowsticks and categorize them by colour.

  2. Using the knife, carefully slice the tops off of the glowsticks - I found the best technique was to rotate the glowstick while cutting in order to get a clean, controlled cut.

  3. Using a strainer, strain out the broken glass from the liquid, and pour the glowing fluid into a spray bottle.

  4. You can dilute the fluid with a bit of water if you desire, but for the most vibrant colouring, use pure glowstick juice.

  5. Finally, go outside and spray the glowing liquid onto the snow in whatever pattern you desire!


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