Fresh Ginger Juice

I can't believe how long it has been since my last post! I had a whole bunch of drafts for autumn projects and recipes, but I ended up becoming inundated with school, work, and Christmas projects, so I didn't make time to actually post them.

Anyway, this year I'm hoping to be more consistent with my posting, but there is a LOT going on - I'm currently working on my final semester of my bachelor's degree, which will be followed by a 16-week internship. I'm also still working at the bakery, doing my RCM grade 10 piano, and trying to balance that with my social life! It's very busy, but it's a good busy most of the time.

That being said, because I'm so tired most of the time, I need something to give myself an immune system boost. This ginger juice fits the bill. Originally, I discovered ginger juice when I was nannying in Cameroon - we would get it made by a local friend. Since then, I've often had a craving for it, but had never ventured to try making it before. While this ginger juice is a bit different than the traditional Cameroonian juice I was used to, it is still quite delicious. I love the spicy-sweet blend, and if you're feeling a sore throat coming on, this ginger juice will attack it with a vengeance. Additionally, I was reading up on the health benefits of ginger, and it is useful for warding off germs, calming nausea, and even soothing sore muscles. In fact, some studies have found that ginger has some antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties!

A side note: My sister gifted me some swing-top bottles for Christmas, which I absolutely love for bottling my kombucha and ginger juice! I highly recommend buying a few if you're going to get into making some of these tasty beverages!

Ginger Juice

Serves: 10 | Preparation Time: 20-30 minutes | Total Time: 1.5 hours


- 1 fresh ginger root, grated (approximately 1 cup of grated ginger)

- 7-10 cups water, depending on desired strength of juice

- 1 lemon, thinly sliced

- 3/4 cup of sugar


1. Finely grate ginger - I used a food processor because I was making such a large batch.

2. Place ginger in a blender with a cup of water. Blend until well combined. It should look very pulpy.

3. Add the remaining water to a pot with the sugar. Bring to a boil. In the meantime, slice the lemon into thin slices and set aside.

4. Once the water is boiling, add the ginger pulp and lemon slices. Boil for 3 minutes, then remove from heat and let sit for at least 1 hour.

5. Strain the juice and bottle. Enjoy!

In process: lemon slices + ginger pulp.


Progress, not perfection


Raspberry Chocolate Truffles